Source: Centennial souvenir and history of Hermon, Penobscot County, Maine, 1814-1914 (Carmel, Me.: Carmel Print, [1914]).
[p. 27]EARLY TOWN OFFICIALS1815 Collings Howes, John Patten, Julius Hewes
1816 Collings Howes, Wm. Patten, John Swan
1817 Wm. Patten, Collings Howes, John Swan
1818 Wm. Patten, Collings Howes, John Swan
1819 Wm. Patten, Francis Jennes, Julius Hewes
1819 Wm. Patten, Julius Hewes, Francis Jennes
1821 Wm. Patten, Joel Read, Francis Jennes
1822 Wm. Patten, Joel Read, Francis Jennes
1823 Joel Read, Francis Jenness, Johnathan Hutchins
1824 Joel Read, Julius Hewes, Francis Jennes
1825 Wm. Patten, Julius Hewes, Joseph Maddocks
1826 Wm. Patten, Jos. Maddocks, Francis Jenness
1827 Wm. Patten, Joel Read, Francis Jennes
1828 Wm. Patten, Francis Jenness, Joel Read
1829 Joseph Maddocks, John Maddocks, Ebine Taylor
1830 Wm. Patten, Jos. Maddocks, John Maddocks
1831 Wm. Patten, Joseph Maddocks, John Maddocks
1832 Wm. Patten, James Taylor, Sam'l Verrill
[p. 28]1833 Wm. Patten, Sam'l Verrill, James Taylor
1834 Wm. Patten, Sam'l Verrill, Samuel Ames
1835 Joseph Maddocks, Elihu Hewes, David L. Jennis
1836 Elihu Hewes, Samuel Ames, Sam'l Verrill
1837 Samuel Verril, Samuel Ames, Ebinezer G. Patten
1838 John Miller, Isaac Emerson, Joel Read
1839 Wm. Patten, Samuel Ames, James Patten Esq.
1840 James Patten Jr., Alanson Grant, Lionel D. Phillips
1841 James Patten Jr., Wm. F. Full, Joseph Maddocks
1842 James Patten Jr., Wm. F. Full, Joseph Maddocks
1843 Joseph Maddocks, Samuel Ames, John Kimball
1844 John Kimball, Alanson Grant, John Maddocks
1845 John Kimball, James Patten Jr., John Maddocks
1846 John Kimball, Wm. Hewes, John Maddocks
1847 John Kimball, Oliver Patten, John Maddocks
[1848 and 1849 omitted from list]
1850 James Patten Jr., Chas. D. Bryant, Geo. W. Patten
1851 John H. Hinckley, Hiram Harding, John Patten
1852 Isaac G. Decrow, Hiram Harding, John Patten
1853 John Kimball, Stephen S. Hewes, Alanson Grant
1854 I. G. Decrow, J. H. Johnson, Harvey Harding Jr.
1855 John Kimball, Stephen S. Hewes, Alanson Grant
1856-57 J. Kimball, Silas Miller, Enoch Leathers
1858 James Patten Jr., Lewis Kimball, Rufus Robinson
1859 James Patten, Lewis Kimball, Jno. M. Bickford
1860 J. M. Bickford, Hiram Harding, Henry Barrett
1861 John Kimball, H. Barrett, Enoch Leathers
1862-63 J. Kimball, J. H. Hinckley, Enoch Leathers
1864 J. H. Hinckley, N. D. Eaton, Henry Barrett
1865 John Kimball, N. D. Eaton, Henry Barrett
1866 John Kimball, N. D. Eaton, Wm. H. Leathers
1867 John Kimball, N. D. Eaton, James Patten
1868 John Kimball, James Patten, Levi Allen
1869-70 John Kimball, N. D. Eaton, Albert Hall
1871 N. D. Eaton, Albert Hall, R. Robinson Jr.
1872 John Kimball, D. M. Hall, John W. Leathers
1873 J. H. Hinckley, D. M. Hall, Harvey Harding
1874 John Kimball, J. W. Leathers, Seth K. Ames
1875 John Kimball, S. K. Ames, G. W. Hopkins