Source: W. R. French, A History of Turner, Maine, from its settlement to 1886 (Portland, Me., Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 1887)
[p. 159]Marriages solemnized by Rev. John Strickland, the first settled minister in town.1785July 17. Benjamin Pettingill and Mary Briggs.
Sept. 1. Edmond Bowe and Patience Barrows.
Oct. 27. Thomas Atherton and Bethiah Richmond.
Nov. 3. Rufus Briggs and Elizabeth Eliot.
Nov. 24. William Hayford and Phillena French.
Nov. 24. Benjamin Alden and Betty Hayford.
Dec. 8. Joshua Ford and Cele Bisbee.
Dec. 14. Elijah Fisher and Jerusha Keen.
Dec. 15. Jairus Phillips and Silence Briggs.1786Jan. 12. James Sampson and Jemima Stetson.
Jan. 19. Dominicus Record and Jane Warren.
Jan. 25. Jabez Churchill and Merriah Benson.
Jan. 26. Jeremiah Hodgden and Thankful Keen.
Mar. 16. Elijah Briggs and Rachel Pettingill.
April 5. Jacob Stephens and Martha Pettingill.
April 30. Benjamin Heald and Rebeccah Spalden.
July 27. Robert Glover and Keziah Barrows.
Aug. 14. Cushing Clerk and Lucy Carver.
Dec. 14. Ezekiel Bradford and Mary House.1787Mar. 1. Edward Fifield and Mary Bagly.
Mar. 2. Peter Joslyn and Kitty Bank.
April 29. Jeremiah Dillingham and Sarah Leavitt.
June 5. Chandler Freeman and Betty Millett.
Sept. 27. Samuel Crafts and Nancy Packard.
Oct. 11. Phineas Jones and Ruth Ames.
Oct. 31. Samuel Perkins and Mehitable Shurtlief.
Nov. 15. James Bowker and Judith Chace.
Dec. 23. Moses Woodbury and Hannah Davis.1788Jan. 1. Jacob Leavitt and Rhoda Thayer.
Jan. 10. Asa Robertson and Deborah Briggs.
Jan. 10. Simon Perlin and Elizabeth Robertson.
Feb. 7. Robert Youling and Anna Carrall.
Feb. 14. Daniel Briggs, Jun. and Betty Bradford.
Feb. 20. Daniel French and Sarah Turner.
Feb. 21. Ichabod Bonney, Jun. and Anna Merrill.
April 3. Cornelius Jones and Saba Bryant.
July 10. Edward Packard and Prudence Stutson.
July 10. Joel Foster and Phebe Buck.
July 29. Peabody Bradford and Hannah Freeman.
Sept. 11. John Pumpilly and Polly French.
Oct. 9. Moses Stevens and Anna Smith.
Oct. 9. Seba Smith and Aphia Stevens.
Oct. 12. Oliver Turner and Elizabeth Stevens.
Oct. 16. George Berry and Rhoda Clough.1789April 9. Philip Bradford and Mary Bonney.
May 10. John Merril and Anis Barker.
June 14. Samuel Herrick and Abigail House.
Aug. 5. Ebenezer Irish and Bathsheba McFarland.[p. 161]Aug. 6. John Bumpus and Mary Burges.
Aug. 9. John Bonney and Betsey Caswell.
Aug. 30. Josiah Tilson and Hannah Sturdefant.
Oct. 14. John Buck, Jun. and Polley Warrin.
Oct. 14. Moses Bisby and Ellen Buck.
Dec. 25. Abiather Briggs and Metilda Hayford.
Dec. 25. Stephen Putnam and Sally Eliot.1790.Feb. 18. Volintine Mathews and Sarah Coburn.
Mar. 10. Jesse Coburn and Experience Hinkly.
Mar. 15. Moses Safford and Joanna Pettingail.
Mar. 25. John Warrin Eliot and Sarah Coburn.
July 4. Jotham Briggs and Mehetable Hodgdel.
July 11. Joshua Purinton and Sophia Bryant.
Aug. 9. William Lowel and Margery Fish.
Aug. 10. Martin Bradford and Prudence Dillingham.
Aug. 11. Daniel Merrill and Charitty Record.
Oct. 15. Benjamin Spalden, Jun. and Martilly Roberson.
Oct. 15. William Swan and Bethiah Pratt.
Oct. 17. Nathaniel Daley and Elizabeth True.
Oct. 17. Jeremiah Whitney and Lydia Cole.
Nov. 26. Elisha Keen and Anna Briggs.1791Jan. 11. John Gray and Rhoda Andros.
Mar. 10. Nathaniel Bishop and Judith Hercy Gilbert.
June 11. Michael Samson and Betsey House.
June 13. Elnathan Benson and Barshaba Bumper.
June 13. David Dudley and Rebeckah Bucknam.
June 16. Joseph Cole and Molley Washburn.
June 16. David Gorham and Hannah Pratt.
June 23. Job Prince and Hannah Bryant.
Aug. 25. Ruben Hersey and Sally Conant.[p. 162]Nov. 10. Stephen Washburn, Jun. and Batsey Record.
Nov. 10. Thomas Cormon and Eleler Gardnett.
Nov. 17. Henry Sawtelle and Lydia Croket.
Nov. 26. John Cole and Elizabeth Oldham.1792Jan. 4. Thomas Seabury and Betsey Harris.
May 10. John Clay and Rebeckah Buck.
May 17. Isaac West and Nabbey Weson.
Sept. 6. Oliver Pratt and Jedidiah Luce.
Nov. 1. William Cobb and Betsey Merrick.
Nov. 4. Benjamin Seabury and Olive Shaw.
Dec. 27. Jonathan Hodgkin and Anna Welsh.1793Jan. 6. Arunah Briggs and Lydia Godfrey.
Jan. 13. John Munro and Mary Bisbee Keen.
Nov. 11. Joseph Merrill and Jenny Young.
Nov. 28. Samuel Hillman and Jenny Norton.1794Jan. 16. Daniel Bray and Elizabeth Haskel.
April 24. Jacob Horsly and Jenny Clefford.
June 4. Seth Stapels and Asenath Soule.
June 9. Jonathan Pratt and Isabella Collins.
June 11. Caleb Blake and Besey Briggs.
June 26. Enoch Freeman and Caroline Shaw.
July 31. Josiah Woodman and Ruth Fuller.
Oct. 9. Winslow Ricket and Hannah Chandler.
Oct. 23. Zebulon Harlow and Rachel Bates.
Dec. 30. Jonathan Chandler and Keziah Denning.[p. 163]Marriages solemnized by Ichabod Bonney, Esq.
May 26. William Geats [should be Yeats] and Martha Morgan.
July 19. Nathaniel Parley and Luendia Strickland [should be Lucendia].
Aug. 3. Moses Allen and Sally Morrill.
Nov. 2. Benjamin Pettingill and Phebe Parker.
Nov. 19. Joseph Herik and Lidia Safford.1796April 14. Peter Lane and Lois Verrel.1797Jan. 1. Charles Hay and Cloe Smith.1790Nov. 14. Asa Smith and Jane Niles.
Dec. 26. William Gott and Deborah Bryant.1791.July 3. Jonas Coben and Hannah Mathews.
Sept. 3. Nathaniel Chase and Jemima Harskell.
Sept. 21. Bennett P. Pelley and Elizabeth Merrell.
Oct. 26. Esquire Caswell and Martha Davis.
Oct. 26. Rogers Tarrel and Penelope Perry.1792Jan. 24. Anson Sole and Lusenda French.
Feb. 16. William Francis and Rebeckah Thayer.
Mar. 11. John Steapels and Pattey Randel.
Mar. 19. Silvenus Robens and Molley Landers.
April 1. John Bisbe and Sarah Philbrooks.[p. 164]April 15. Judah Keen and Susanah Roberson.
April 30. Edmond Irish and Bethiah Keen.
May 6. Joshua Davis and Elizabeth Cole.
May 17. Benjamin Chamberlain and Mary Bradford.
July 19. Daniel Merrill and Olive Record.
July 19. Benjamin Washburn and Mary Hogain.
July 25. Thomas Irish and Elizabeth Roberds.
July 25. James Waterman and Kezia Smith.
Aug. 2. Hate Evil Hall and Juda Morgain.
Nov. 15. John Brock and Susanah Crandle.
Oct. 18. Samuel Pelley and Sarah True.1793Mar. 15. Joseph Tyler and Easter Haskell.
Mar. 15. Jacob Haskel and Mary Jonson.
Mar. 16. Abner Rason and Nabbey Fuller.
Mar. 25. Samuel Irish and Elizabeth Teague.
April 9. Davis Person and Silvina Hall.
April 9. Benjamin Selley and Pattey Person.
April 11. Cyprion Stephens and Sally Roberson.
April 11. John Washburn and Azubah Fuller.
April 11. Job Barce and Bettey Turner.
April 22. Abial Drake and Dolley Phillbrooks.
April 25. Jonathan Dammon and Patience Josselyn.
April 26. Caleb Lumber and Hannah Selley.
May 9. Ezekiel Merrill and Mary Barrows.
May 12. Philiemon Person and Polley Cole.
May 12. William Selley and Sarah Bonney.
June 27. Nathaniel Benson and Deborah Tubbs.
June 27. Barnabas Barrows and Martha Tool.
July 2. Caleb House, Jun. and Bethiah Young.
July 8. Ebenezer Bray, Jun. and Eleanor Royal.
Aug. 6. William Stadman and Synthia Garnet.[p. 165]Aug. 27. Ebenezer Cary and Martha Brook.
Sept. 10. William Livermore and Salley Jones.
Sept. 22. Simeon Dennen and Rebeckah Chickering.
Oct. 12. William Chenery and Susannah Merry.
Nov. 10. Stephen Landers and Huldah Russel.1794Jan. 10. William Moody, Jun. and Polley Dresser.
Feb. 19. Joseph Mills and Mary True.
Feb. 22. William Loring and Hannah Snell.
Mar. 6. Peleg Weston and Betsey Snell.
Mar. 19. Nathaniel Barrows and Hannah Richmond.
Mar. 19. Ichabod Bryant and Ruth Richmond.
Mar. 19. Caleb Fuller and Hannah Perkins.
April 20. James Niles and Marcy Caswell.
April 23. Richard Taylor and Mary Roberds.
July 3. Isaac Bolster, Jun. and Hannah Cushman.
Sept. 18. Joseph Hutchins and Salley Russel.
Oct. 18. James Follet and Eastur Hall.
Oct. 26. Snow Keen, Jun. and Sarah Bradford.
Dec. 29. Daniel Cambel and Abigail Hall.1795.Feb. 9. John Huszey [should be Hayzey] and Abigail Lapham.
Feb. 9. Jabez Taylor and Dorcas Irish.
Feb. 19. Jonathan Dwinel and Rebekah Ryns.
Feb. 19. Timothy Smith and Dorothy Smith.
May 10. Solomon Bisbe and Ruth Barrett.
May 31. Ziba Knapp and Elizabeth Basey.
Aug. 18. Peter Silley and Martha Legro.
Aug. 20. Josiah Keen and Eunice Wistact. [Wescot is intended]
Aug. 30. John Brown and Phebe Rogers.
Sept. 16. Joseph Chase and Anna Legrow.[p. 166]Nov. 2. Nathan Hall and Susanna Fobes.
Nov. 3. Benjamin Noys and Phebe Hill.
Nov. 16. Simeon Bucknal and Rebeckah Irish.
Nov. 19. Asa Roberson and Margrett Bartlet.1796Jan. 27. Samuel Blake, Jun. and Nabey Bonney.
Feb. 4. Joseph Bonney and Rhode Merrill.
Feb. 28. William Witham and Jane Loring.
Mar. 14. Arvady Hayford and Mary ______ [should be Ellis].
April 3. Moses Stephen and Nancey Munro.
May 8. Ephraim Turner and Ruth Child.
May 13. Seth Rose and Santha House.
July 18. Joseph Leavitt and Allis Caswell.1796Nov. 3. John Richerdson and Lydia Willard.
Nov. 10. Bani Teague, Jun. and Sarah Tuttle.
Nov. 17. Joel Crocket and Sarah Parlin.1797Jan. 31. Joseph Crocket and Hannah Parlin.
Feb. 9. Levi Perry and Nancy ______.