Source: Lilla E. Wood, A brief history of Corinna, Maine, from its purchase in 1804 to 1916 (Bangor, Me.: J.P. Bass Pub. Co., 1916).
[p. 9]Early Taxpayers.Corinna was the 220th town in the District of Maine. The year that the District of Maine was taken from Massachusetts and became the State of Maine, 1820, the taxpayers in Corinna were as follows: Isaac Mower, Walter Weymouth, Richard Labree, Peter Labree, James Labree, William Elder, Joshua Elder, Charles Elder, Jabez Bates, Samuel Hoyt, Joseph Blanchard, Thomas Brown, Liba Smith, James Smith, Jr., Ebenezer Nutter, Daniel Eliot, John Eliot, Stephen Veazie, William Matthews, Dodge Bachelder, John Briggs, John Clark, Benja. Hilton, Simon Young, Philip Morse, William Hole, John Judkins, Seth Knowles, James Couillard, John Hubbard, Wm. R. Page, Seth Knowles, Jr., Jonathan Knowles, Lewis White, David Knowles, Deborah Young, Josiah Burrill, Benoni Burrill, Varen Packard, Christopher Well.
John Ireland, Constant Southard, Daniel Clough, Eunice Judkins, Samuel Kennedy, Eben Quimby, Elihu Lancaster, Wm. McKenney, James Young, Thomas Pratt, Benjamin Bodge, Samuel Morse, David Knowles, Enoch Hayden, Adkins & Couillard,
[p. 10]Wm. Warren, Abram Cook, Samuel Cook, Mekinstey Pease, Joseph Ordway, Comfort Spooner, John G. Couillard, Joseph Pease, Caleb C. Knowles, Mace Smith, Samuel Capen, John Knowles, Richard Austin, Nathaniel Knowles, John Burton, Constant Southard, Joseph Burton, Peter Sanburn, David Russell, Hammond Russell, Samuel Sawtelle, Jonas Sawtelle, Abram Bean, Freman Craig, Jonas Warren, Benj. P. Winchester, Andrew Cole—82 names in addition to the firm name of Abram & Couillard. This shows with what rapidity the population increased after the first few settlements were established.