Source: Frederick H. Dole, Sketches of the history of Windham, Maine, 1734-1935 (Westbrook, Me., H. S. Cobb, printer, 1935).
[p. 147]SCHOLARS IN DISTRICT NO. 6, 1842This is a list of pupils in attendance in District No. 6 in Windham in the winter of 1842, kept by the teacher, Joel Rand.
Name, Age
Edwin Collins, 18
Beniah Hall, 17
Rufus Winslow, 18
Daniel Hussey, 16
Francis Winslow, 16
Ebenezer Dolley, 17
Joshua Hawkes, 13
Charles Cobb, 15
Cyrus Hawkes, 15
Daniel Cobb, 15
Jackson Sawyer, 10
Isaiah Jones, 10
Oliver Lowell, 12
Joseph Hawkes, 11
George Hanson, 11
Oliver Winslow, 13
Oliver Hawkes, 11
Oliver Hanson, 10
Albert Hussey, 10
Charles Hodgkins, 11
George Hawkes, 13
John Frasier, 12
David Knight, 10
Hiram Hanson, 7
Daniel Jones, 8
V. Hall, 5
Lydia M. Hawkes, 6
Louisa Hanson, 12
Huldah Hawkes, 17
Sarah A. Lowell, 15
Sarah Hanson, 5
Sarah A. Winslow, 15
Betsy A. Hanson, 13
Sarah M. Hawkes, 13
Mary J. Knight, 13
Eunice Knight, 11
Cynthia Collins, 11
Olive Hanson, 11
Rachel A. Cobb, 14
Margaret Cobb, 11
Eliza J. Hawkes, 12
Louisa A. Hawkes, 10
Louisa Winslow, 8
L. Dolley, 8
Mary Hawkes, 7
Lydia Hawkes, 5
Zalinda Hussey, 17
(28 Grammarians; 21 in Geography; 29 in Arithmetic; 39 Writers; 7 Philosophers; 2 Historians, and 1 in Watts on the Mind.)
Windham, Feb., 1842.