Source: Vital records of Boxford, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849 (Topsfield, Mass.: Topsfield Historical Society, 1905).
Daniel Barnard of Bridgton and Reuth Andrews, Feb. 3, 1794.* [p. 115]
Daniel Black and Sarah Adams of Yorke, at Topsfield, July 19, 1695 [p. 117]
Nelson Bodwell [of Berwick, Me. int.] and Solendia Tyler, ____, 1826. B. C. [int. Feb. 11, 1826.]* [p. 118]
Reubin Burnham of Bridgton and wid. Hannah Foster, Oct. 23, 1777.* [p. 121]
Daniel Dresser of Bangor and Eunice Perley, Aug. [20. C. R. 1.], 1809.* [p. 136]
Joseph G. Dummer [of Bangor. C. R. 1; of Newbury. int.], and Mary P. Peabody [Sept. 28, 1835. C. R. 1.].* [p. 136]
Moses Foster of Arundell, county York, and Hannah Andrews, at Ipswich, Mar. 10, 1736.* [p. 143]
William Foster and Mary Clark [Clarke. int.] of York, ____, 1747. B. C. [int. Feb. 7, 1747-8.]* [p. 144]
Samuel P. Fowler, a. 20 y., shoemaker, s. Samuel and Harriet, and Harriet B. Clough, a. 21 y., d. Jonathan and Lydia, of Readfield, Me., int. Oct. 8, 1847. [p. 144]
Tyrrel Gilmore of Dedham, Me., and Mary W. Pearl, May 2, 1844. C. R. 2.* [p. 147]
Tobias F. Gurley and Sarah K. Estes of Corrinna, Me., int. Nov. 5, 1842. [p. 151]
Jacob Hazen of Bridgton and Hannah Wood, Dec. 4, 1798.* [p. 155]
William Henry of Wells and Esther Parker, July 3, 1808.* [p. 155]
Ancill Kimball of Winthrop and Becca [Rebecca C. R. 2.] Bixby, Jan. 5, 1805.* [p. 165]
Capt. Benjamin Kimball of Bridgeton and wid. Huldah Gould, Sept. 21, 1784.* [p. 165]
Joseph Kneeland, a. 27 y., shoemaker, s. Moses and Priscilla, of Harrison, Me., and Harriet H. Chadbourn, wid., 22 y., d. John and Rhoda Kneeland, of Rowley, int. Sept. 22, 1849. [p. 169]
Sewall Lancester of Augusta, Me., and Adeline E. Symonds, Sept. 6, 1836.* [p. 170]
Nathan Low, jr., and Rebecca Thompson of Dear Isle, Oct. 23, 1792.* [p. 171]
Nathan Peabody [of Buckstown. C. R. 2.] and Hannah Stickney, Nov. 12, 1794.* [p. 180]
Oliver Peabody of Phipps, Canada and Peggy Sticknee, Sept. 13, 1792. [Mar. 13. C. R. 1.]* [p. 180]
Daniel Perley of Bridgeton and Rebecca Porter, Dec. 6, 1781.* [p. 185]
Jacob Stevens, jr., of Bridgeton and Oliver Spofford, int. Feb. 2, 1782. [p. 203]
Horace Tibbetts, a. 23 y., currier, b. at Sanford, Me., s. Paul and Sarah, and Mary Ann P. Spofford, a. 20 y., d. Richard and Hannah, June 22, 1845.* [p. 208]
Abraham True Tilton of Cornville, Me., and Sally Bixby, Feb. 16, 1815.* [p. 208]*Intention also recorded.
B. C. — copy and compilation of town records made in 1823 by John Bacon, town clerk.
C. R. 1. — church record, First Congregational church, East Boxford.
C. R. 2. — church record, Second Congregational church, West Boxford.
int. — intention of marriage.