Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 5 (Jan. 1851).
[p. 67]INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD GRAVE-YARD OF THE FIRST PARISH, IN YORK, ME.Here lyes the body of Capt. Lewis Bane, Esq., decd June ye 25th 1751, In ye 51st year of his age.
Copied by John S. H. Fogg, M.D.*
Here lies the body of Mrs. Mary Bane, wife of Capt Lewis Bane, decd March ye 25th 1723 in the 58th year of her age.
Here lyes interred ye body of Mr. Joseph Sweet, who departed this life June 12 1750 in the 27 year of his age.
Here lies interred ye body of Mrs. Hannah Sweet, consort of Mr. Joseph Sweet, who died Novbr ye 15th in ye 74th year of her age. Her life an example of piety, diligence, frugality & charity.
Here lies buried ye body of Mr Joseph Preble who departed this life April 28, Anno Domni 1732 in ye 41st year of his age.
Joseph Preble, son to Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Ann Preble, aged 7 years & 5 mo departed this life Sepbr ye 25th 1735.
Timothy Preble, son to Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Ann Preble, aged 3 years & 2 mo, departed this life Sept ye 19 1735.
This stone is fixed at the head of Abraham Preble Esq deacon of the church, Capt of the town & one of the judges in ye county of York : was universally faithful to ye death. Who died October ye 4th 1714 Ætatis 72.
Here lies interred the body of Capt Caleb Preble aged 45 years & 7 months, who departed this life Jany ye 7th 1734.
Here lyes buried ye body of Abraham Preble Esq & Capt in ye town & Judge in ye county of York. He served his country in various other posts & at ye time of his death, which was on March 14th 1723 in ye 50th year of his age, he sustained no less than nine offices of honour & public trust for ye service of his town country and province.
Here lies buried ye body of Esther Arbuckle, the wife of Mr. James Arbuckle, who departed this life May 16th 1760 in the 36 year of her age.
Mary Prentice died Nov 20 1792 aged 77.
Andrew Sargent died Nov 4 1795 aged 18.
Here lies buried the body of Mr. Samuel Bragdon, son of Mr. Samuel Bragdon, aged 73 years and 7 mo died March 3d 1746.
Here lies ye body of Mrs Subela Bragdon, wife to Mr. Samuel Bragdon, decd June ye 2d 1722 in ye 48 year of her age.
John Bragdon, a promising youth, departed this life June 19th 1744 in ye 23d year of his age with some comfortable hope in his death, after great distress of soul and solemn warning to young people not to put off their repentance to a death bed.
Here lies the body of Mrs. Lydia Bragdon, wife of Mr Samuel Bragdon, who died April 3d 1757 aged 85 years. Formerly the wife of Mr. Thomas Haynes.
Here lies buried the body of Mr. Daniel Bragdon who departed this life July 18th 1756.
Here lies interred the body of Mr Morton Woodbridge, who departed this life the 29th day of August 1769.*Of the communication of this gentleman, there are on our files several of much interest, and it is to be regretted that they cannot be published faster. This is to assure him that they are considered among the most valuable articles for this publication.[p. 68]Here lies buried the body of Mr. Ebenezer Coburn, who died December the 27th 1749 aged 75 years.
Erected to the memory of Mr Richard Keating, who departed this life June 23d 1783 aged 24 years.
Here lyes ye body of Mrs Hannah Toppan, born at Canterbury in England 1649, married in N. England to Mr. John Sewall & after his decease to Mr Jacob Toppan both of Newbury. Decd April 4th 1723.
The remains of Stephen Crosby A.M. a gentleman of virtuous morals and highly esteemed, who died on board ye letter of mark brig Venus near port July 19th 1780, aged 28 years are here deposited till the restitution of all things. "Thy way is in the sea, thy footsteps are not known."
In memory of Jonathan Hayward Esq. Amiable and social in address; instructive and entertaining in conversation; benevolent, charitable and pious; united the Gentleman and Christian. Various offices, civil, judicial and ecclesiastical, with honor and reputation he sustained. he died May 8, 1797, Æ 84.
Here lies the body of Mrs. Sarah Sayward, wife of Jona Sayward, Esq., who died Sept. 12th, 1775, aged 86 years. The righteous will be had in everlasting remembrance.
Here lyes buried the body of Elder Joseph Sayward, aged 57 years, Dec'd Dec. ye 25th, 1741.
Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Mary Sayward, wife of Elder Joseph Sayward died Aug 1st 1759.
In memory of Capt Zebulon Harmon Junr who departed this Life Sept 14th 1798 Æ 39.
To the memory of Capt Thomas Harmon who died June 11th 1800.
Here Lyes buried the Body of the Reverend Samuel Moody A. M. The Zealous, faithful and successful Pastor of the first Church of Christ in York was born in Newbury Jan 4th 1675, Graduated 1697, came hither in May 1698, ordained in December 1700, and died here Nov. 13, 1747. For his further character you may read Cor. 3 the six first verses.
Mrs Hannah Moody, Consort of ye Rev'd Samuel Moody, an early and Thoro' Convert, eminent For Holiness, Prayerfulness, Watchfulness, Zeal, Prudence, Sincerity, Humility, Meekness, Patience, Weanedness from the World, Self-Deniall, Publick Spiritedness, Diligence, Faithfulness and Charity. Departed this life in Sweet Assurance of a Better Jan 29th 1727/8 Ætat 51. Follow ym who thro' Faith and Patience Inherit ye Promises.
Here Lies Interred the Body of Mrs. Ruth Moody, faithful wife of the Rev'd Mr Samuel Moody of York, who died April 20th 1764 in the 76 Year of her Age.
Integer vitae scelerisque purus. Here lies the remains of Samuel Moody Esq, Preceptor of Dummer Academy, (The first Institution of the kind in Mass'ets). He left no child to mourn his sudden death, (for he died a Bachelor). Yet his numerous Pupils in the U. States will ever retain a lively sense of the Sociability, Industry, Integrity, and Piety he possessed in an uncommon degree, as well as the disinterested, zealous, faithful and useful manner he discharged the duties of the Academy for 30 years. he died at Exeter 17 Dec'r 1795 æ 70.
Here lies the remains of Elizabeth, Consort of Mr Joseph Moody, who died Sept. 23 1797 aet 68.
Here lyes the body of Mrs Hannah Adams, wife of Mr Nathan Adams, died Dec ye 12 1741 in ye 29th year of her age.[p. 69]Here lies ye body of Abigail Curtis, who was born Feb'y 22d 1718/17 [sic] and died August 26th 1720. [York VRs give her date of birth as Jan. 22, 1717/18.]
Here lyes ye body of Job Curtis, who was born Oct 6th 1729, and died Dec 2d 1736.
In Memory of Rev'd Isaac Lyman, the social, venerable, and pious Pastor of the 1st Church in York for more than 60 years. Was born at N. Hampton Mass Feb. 25th 1724. Graduated at Yale Coll. 1747, Ordained Dec. 20th 1749, and died March 12th 1810. aet 85.
Madam Ruth Lyman, Relict of the Rev Isaac Lyman, Born July 22d 1730, Died Jan'y 20th 1824.
In Memory of Miss Ruthe Lyman who was possessed of many Amiable qualities, the joy of her parents, the delight of her connexions and beloved of all : if youth, if virtue deserve a tear, reader, drop it here when the engraving of this stone inform you when she left her weeping friends in the 23d year of her age June 22d 1785.
In Memory of Madam Elizabeth Langdon, Relict of Rev'd Samuel Langdon DD, who after a long life devoted to acts of charity, benevolence and piety, Died Dec 21st 1802 Aged 83 years.
Here lies ye body of Mrs Elenor Clements, the wife of Mr John Clements, who died Jan 1s 1755 in ye 36 year of her age.
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs Eunice Stone, the wife of Mr John Stone, who departed this Life February 20th 1765 aged 37 years.Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Mary Nasson wife of Mr Samuel Nasson who departed this life Aug 28 1774 aet 22.Here rests quite free from Life's
Distressing care
A loving wife
A tender Parent dear
Cut down in the midst of Days
As you may see,But stop my Grief
I soon shall equal be.
When death shall stop my breath
And end my Time,
God grant my Dust
May mingle then with thine.
Here lyes ye body of Mr Joseph Banks, son to Mr Joseph and Mrs Elizabeth Banks, aged 24 years 8 mo and 3 days, dec'd April 11th 1775.
In Memory of Mr. Henry Sewall, Bricklayer, Who departed this Life Nov 2d 1792 in the 66th year of his age. He was an Honest man and a Christian.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs Abigail, widow of Mr Henry Sewall and daugt of Mr Titcomb of Newbury, who died July 27th 1777 aged 77. a patient and exemplary Christian.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs Abigail Carlile wife of Mr John Carlile and daugt of Mr Henry Sewall, born Jan 11 1758, died July 17 1797, aet 40 without issue, a lively christian. Near this stone are deposited the remains of Benjamin and Daniel, infants and children of Daniel Sewall Esq.
In memory of Mrs Lucy Sewall, wife of Mr Stover Sewall and daughter of Col J. Moulton, who departed this Life Jan 14 1800 in the 43d year of her age. Bless'd shade! thy life is not measured by age, nor thy memory by death; thou livest on the tongue of friendship and charity. Thy praise still glows in the heart of conjugal and filial tenderness. The bosom of an affectionate Husband and the tears of an orphan shall perpetuate the remembrance of thee, till our kindred souls unite in those realms where sin and sorrow never come.
Here lies the Remains of Mary, Consort of David Sewall Esq one of the Judges of the S. J. C. of Massachusetts, and Daughter of the Hon'ble William Parker Esq, who, after a virtuous and affectionate life of 25 years[p. 70]and upward with the husband of her youth, died May the 27th 1788 Æ 50.
Consecrated to the memory of Hon David Sewall L. L. D. An elevated benevolence was happily directed by an enlightened intellect. Conscientious in duty he was ever faithful in its discharge. Piety with patriarchal simplicity of manners conspored to secure him universal esteem. His home was the abode of hospitality and friendship. In him the defenceless found a Protector, the poor a Benefactor, the community a Peacemaker, Science, Social Order and Religion and affectionate Patron.
Distinguished for his patriotism, talents and integrity, he was early called to important public offices, which he sustained with fidelity and honour. Having occupied the Bench of the Supreme Court of the State and District Court of the U. States with dignified uprightness for forty years without one failure of attendance, he retired from public life in 1818 and died Oct 22 1825, aged XC years. Death but entombs the body, life the soul.
Elizabeth, Relict of David Sewall L. L. D. died Sept 8 1838 Aged 82.
Here lyes the body of the Hon'ble Samuel Donnell, one of the first Councillors of the Massachusetts under their present Charter and Justice of ye Peace and Judge of ye Infer'r Court in ye county of York. He died March 9th 1717 in ye 72d year of his age.
This stone perpetuates the memory of Mrs Alice Moulton, wife of Mr. Jeremiah Moulton, formerly the wife of ye Hon'be Samuel Donnell, Esq. She died Jan 18th 1744 in the 81st year of her age.
In Memory of Nathaniel Donnell (son of the Hon'ble Samuel Donnell one of the Council named in the Charter of William and Mary) who was born Nov 18th 1689 and died Feb 9th 1780 æ 91. He was strictly just, universally charitable and eminently pious, Patient and cheerful in adversity, and without pride or vanity in prosperity. In high estimation of all his acquaintance in every stage of Life. May his descendants imitate his virtues and perpetuate his name with honor to posterity.
Here lies buried the Body of Mrs Hannah Donnell Consort to Nathaniel Donnell Esq, who departed this Life Oct 22d 1767 In ye 67 year of her age.The virtuous, ye Lover of Truth, ye Hater of Strife,
A loving and tender Mother, a true and faithful wife,
It's hop't is gone to inherit Eternal Life.
Here lies interred the Body of Mrs Hannah Moulton Wife to Jeremiah Moulton Jun'r Esq, who departed This Life December 3d 1757 In the 42d year of her Age.
Here Lyes interred the Body of Mrs Hannah Moulton wife of the Hon'bl Jeremiah Moulton Esq. who departed this Life Oct 26 1761 Aged 66 years.
Here Lyes Buried the Body of the Hon'bl Jeremiah Moulton who departed this Life July the 20th 1765 aged 77 years.