Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 4 (Jan. 1850). Notes in double brackets are my own.
[p. 37]EPITAPHS FROM S. BERWICK, &c.On the road leading from South Berwick to Great Falls, N. H., on the Maine side of Salmon Falls River, near a barn belonging to Granville C. Wallingford, lies a slab of free-stone, five feet two inches in length, two feet seven inches in width, and seven inches thick, bearing the following inscriptions, which time has rendered almost unintelligible.
Communicated of the Journal by Mr. John S. H. Fogg, of S. Berwick, Me.Here Lies interred ye body of Samuel Plaisted Esq. Eldest Son of Capt Ichabod Plaisted Esq. Who Departed this Life March ye 20 1737½ In ye 36 year of his age. [[Note: the year should be 1731/2]]Near the slab placed in memory of the Plaisteds stands a slate stone with the following inscription.
Near unto this place lies buried The body of Roger Plaisted Esq Grandfather of the said Samuel Plaisted who was killed by ye Indians October ye 16 1675 Aged 40 Years.
Also ye body of his Eldest Son Mr Roger Plaisted who was killed at ye same time as his Father.Elizabeth Wiatt daur to John & Elizabeth Wiatt aged about 18 years decd March ye 15 1713.On the right hand of the road leading from Great Falls, N. H., through Berwick to Pine Hill, is a marble slab, erected about fifteen rods from the birth place of James and John Sullivan, with the following inscription.[The inscription is omitted, because it was printed in the first volume of the N. E. H. G. R. p. 376]Inscriptions from the old graveyard in Kittery, Me.
[[The referenced inscription, "Copied from the stone at Berwick, Me., by Elias Nason, Esq., of Newburyport, May 25, 1847."Here are buried the bodies of John Sullivan and Margery his wife. He was born in Limeric in Ireland in the year 1692 and died in the year 1796.
She was born in Cork in Ireland in the year 1714 and died in 1801.
This marble is placed to their memory by their son James Sullivan.]]Capt William Whipple, died Aug. 7th 1751.
Robert Cutt died Sept. ye 24th 1735 aged 62 years.
Dorcas Cutt wife of Robert Cutt died Nov. 17th 1757 in the 83d year of her age.
Robert Cutt Whipple died May 4th 1761 aged 25.
In memory of the Revd Benjamin Stevens D D Pastor of the First Church in Kittery, who departed this life in the joyful hope of a better. May ye 18th 1791 : in the 71st year of his age and 41st of his ministry.
In him, the Gentleman, the Scholar, the grave divine, the chearful Christian, the affectionate, charitable & laborious Pastor, the faithful friend & the tender Parent were happily united.This grave contains feeble mould'ring clay,
The Spirit triumphs in Eternal Day.
In memory of Mrs. Mary Stevens wife of Dr. Benjamin Stevens and daughter of ye late Hon. Judge Remington Who died May 27th 1763 in ye 45th year of her age.When sculptured stones shall moulder into dust,
And opening graves resign their sacred trust,
In friendship's faithful breast thy name shall live,
And to thy worth thy God the EUGE give.
Here lies buried the Body of Mr. John Walker who departed this life June ye 3d 1745 in ye 51st year of his age.
Here lies buried the Body of Mr. John Morse died March ye 14th 1741 in ye 44th year of his age.
Margaret Hills Consort of Oliver Hills died Oct 31st 1803 æ 28.I lost my life in the raging seas:
A Sovreign God does as he please—
My Kittery friends they did appear
And my remains they buried here.[p. 38]Here Lyes the body of Mr. Thomas Jenkins aged 55 years died Sept ye 19th 1745.The following inscription upon the tomb stone of the Minister of the Episcopal Church in Kittery, near Eliot, which Church it is supposed became extinct at the time of his death. The grave is in a field belonging to Mr. Fernald.Here Lyes Buried the Body of the Revd Mr. John Eveleth who departed this Life Augt 1st Anno : Dom : 1734, aged 65 years.