Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 28 (April 1874).
The first portion of this record was copied and submitted by George A. Gordon of Somerville, Mass., and published in Register of Jan. 1895 (p. 46), under the title "Old York County (Me.) Records." Where Gordon's transcription differs significantly from Herrick's, I have noted the discrepancy in brackets.
[p. 117]MARRIAGES IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, ME., 1686-99.Province of Mayne: By vertue of An Act made by his Excellency ye Governor and Councill A list of marriages recorded in ye sd Provynce.
Communicated by N. J. Herrick, Esq., of Alfred, Me.
By Samuell Wheelwright Esqr, one of his majties Justices of the peace were married
Gilbert Endicott and Hannah Gowge [Gouge] were married April 28th 1686.
Richard Blanshett [Blanchett] and Elizabeth Hussey were married 12th July 1686.[p. 118]Samuel Littlefield and Mary Coalt [Coale] were married 4th December 1686.
By Mr Jno Emerson minstr
Jno Leighton [Leigaton] of Kittery was married to Hono Langdon [Hone Langly] of Portsm 13th June 1686.
John Nason of Barwick was married to Bridgett Weymouth of the same Towne October 7th 1687.
William Sanders and Sarah Wittum were married in December 1687.
By mr Burroughs ministr :
Michaell Webber and Deborah Bedford married August 14th 1686.
Jeremiah Gordon [Jordan] and Deborah Bithford [Bickford] married March 10th 1686/7.
John Osborn and Lydia [Lidia] Rogers married Nov 12th 1687.
Daniell Libby and Mary Ashton married 23 ffebr 1687.
By Sylvanus Davis Esqe Justice of the peace married:
Benjamin Leather [Leatherby] of North Yarmouth and Deborah Ingersoll [Ingersall] of ffalmouth married ye 1st December 1686.
Moses Downing and Sarah Samson of Scarborough were married December ye 23d 1686.
By John Wincoll Esqr. Justice of ye peace:
James Goodin married to Sarah Tomson ye 9th December 1686.
Zachary Emery married to Elizabeth Goodin 9th December 1686.
John Fosse [ffosse] married to Sarah Gosse [Goffe] ye 25th of January 1686.
By Mr Benjamin Woodbridge minister : were married as followeth
Richard Archer [Arther] to Mary West both of Portsmo married July 19 [16], 1688.
John Thurston and Hannah Carey both of Kittery were married 15 August 1688.
Nathaniell Keene and Sarah Greene both of Kittery married 2d November 1688.
Benjamin Berry and Elizabeth Withers [Withero] both of Kittery married 27th November 1688.
Samuel Willis [Esqr] of Hartford & Mrs Mary Love of Barwick married 28th November [December] 1688.
By Mr Martin minister :
Anthony Comes [Cowes] and Dorcas [Darkes] Wooden were married the 5th September 1688.
[Gordon's transcription here ends.]
By Mr Edward Thompson Minister of Barwick :
Were married Samuel Brackitt and Elizabeth Botts November the 20th 1694.
John Turner and Elizabeth Lander were Marryed Novembr: the [28] 1694.[p. 119]Isaac Barnes and Sarah Goodwin Marryed Decbr: 6: 1694.
Captn: John Hill and mrs Mary Frost were Marryed December ye [12] 1694.
John Abbet and Abigail Nason Married Jan : 3. 1694.
Walter Abbet & Elizabeth Key [also "Married Jan : 3. 1694.]
Alexander fforgison & Elizabeth Smith alias Gowen were Married ffeb: [11]: 1694.
Christopher Banfield and Grace Miller were married March ye [15] 1695.
David Emery and Margaret Smith Marryed March [17]: 1695.
By Abraham Preble Esqr. Justice of peace were Married Joseph Banks and Elizabeth Harmon ffeb: [28]: 1694-5.
Joseph Curline & Rachel Preble Married March [28] 1694.
By Charles Frost Esqe Justice of peace were Married as followeth :
James Ross formerly of Casco Bay to Sarah Forgison of Barwick 19 of December 1695.
Wm. Grant and Martha Nelson both of Kittery Married [26] of Decembr: 1695.
Job Emery and Charitie Nason both of Barwick Married the [6] of April 1696.
By mr John Hancock Minister were Married, as follows :
Thomas Card and Mary Winchester Married : [26]. July: 1694.
Abraham Preble Junr and Mary Bragdon Married: 9. Augst: 1694.
Samuel Brogdon Junr. and Isabella Austin Married the [25] of Decembr. 1694.
John Dunell and Hannah Milbury Married: [28] Septembr: 1694.
Nicholas Smith and Hannah Hodsdon Married: [25]: June: 1695.
By mr Samll Emery Ministr: of Wells were married: Joseph Ham[m]ond to Hannah Storer, September ye [14]: 1699.