Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
Some forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching. The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 230]Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Field and Staff.
From June 20 to June 23, and Sept. 10 to Sept. 25, 1814. Service at Bath.
Abel Merrill, Lieutenant Colonel, Topsham
James McRogers, Major, Bowdoin
Charles Pray, Major, Lisbon
Charles Thompson, Adjutant, Topsham
William G. Sandford, Paymaster, Topsham
James Purrington, Quartermaster, Topsham
Benjamin H. Mace, Surgeon's Mate, Lisbon
Noncommissioned Staff.
Hezekiah B. Thompson, Sergeant Major
Robert Jack, Quartermaster Sergeant
Hugh Wilson, Drum Major
Henry Sampson, Fife MajorCapt. H. Getchell's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, and Sept. 10 to Sept. 28. 1814. Raised at Litchfield. Service at Bath.
Hugh Getchell, Captain
William Randall, Lieutenant
James B. Smith, Sergeant
Cornelius Richardson, Sergeant
Cyrus Bourk, Sergeant
Adam Johnson, Corporal
Isaac Smith, Corporal
Thomas Springer, Corporal
William Towns, Corporal
Cornelius Thompson, Musician
Isaac Shirtliff, Musician
Robert Ashford
Abner Baker
Abner Basset
Heli Basset
Lewis Basset
Charles Bourk
Thomas Bourk
James Brown
Saul Brown
Adam Campbell
Saul Cook
Ezekiel Dunlap
John Dunlap
Robert Dunlap
Richard Forren
William Farrin
John S. Gatchell
Simmons Gatchell
Zacheus Goldsmith
William Gower
Timothy Hall
Thomas Ham
Benjamin Hanscomb
Amos Hodgman
Asa Hodgman
Timothy Huntington
James Hutchinson
John Lydstone
Caleb Miles
John Morgridge
Esdras Nickerson
David Potter
Reuben Potter
Robert Potter
John Randall
Abijah Richardson
Amos Richardson
William Shirtliff
John Smith
Myrick Smith
Samuel W. Smith
Thomas Smith
John Thurrell
Joshua Walker
William WilliamsCapt. E. Hatch's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, and Sept. 10 to Sept. 28. 1814. Raised at Bowdoinham. Service at Bath.
Ebenezer Hatch, Captain
Job Jelason, Lieutenant
Caleb Baker, Ensign
Jeremiah Preble, Sergeant
William P. Oliver, Sergeant
George Maxwell, Corporal
John I. Hosnal, Corporal
Zenas Baker, Musician
Daniel Allen
John Baker
Solomon Blanchard
William Blanchard
Samuel Dinsmore
Jacob Farrow
Nicholas Ganbert
Elihu Hatch
J. G. Holmes
William Jelason
John Mains
Matoon Isaac
John Maxwell
William Maxwell
John McFadden
Chetham Parks
Thomas I. Parks
David Pottle, Jr.
Benjamin Pratt[p. 231]Samuel Pratt
Joseph Preble
Richard Preble
William Preble
Isaac Purrington
James Raymond
Joseph Sedgley
Stephen Sedgley
David Speed
Elisha Springer
Benjamin Taylor
John Thomas
Elias Tolman
Abraham Whitmore
Samuel Wilson
Samuel Wilson, 2d
Samuel WoodwardCapt. N. McLellan's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, and Sept. 20 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Bowdoin. Service at Bath.
Nathaniel McLellan, Captain
Abiezer Purrington, Lieutenant
Joseph Carr, Jr., Ensign
Samuel Smith, Jr., Sergeant
Ebenezer Temple, Jr., Sergeant
Samuel Clark, Jr., Sergeant
Judah Chase, Sergeant
David Story, Corporal
Andrew Jack, 3d, Corporal
William Verney, Corporal
George Ridley, Jr., Corporal
Jacob Ellet, Musician
Stephen Ellet, Musician
James Alexander
William Alexander
James Blackman
Beniah Booker
Alexander Bower
John Bryre
David Buker
George Campbell
James Campbell
Nathaniel Campbell
James Chace
Nathaniel Cox
James Davis
Saul Davis
Ebenezer Dunlap
John Flagg
Thomas Forbus
James Grover
John Grover
Joseph Grover
Joseph Hanscom
Nathaniel Huff
Samuel Huff
Andrew Jack, Jr.
William Jackson
John Jones
Daniel Knight
William Lydston
Stephen Mullen
William Percy
John Persley
James B. Potter
Saul Potter
Rufus Sampson
Jonathan Small
James Smith
Nathaniel Smith
Samuel Starboard
Stephen Story
Paul Tarr
Jacob Thurrell
Abner Townes
Thomas Towns
John Wheeler
Simon Wheeler
William Wheeler
Gideon White
Isaac White
James WilliamsCapt. G. F. Patten's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, and Sept. 10 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Topsham. Service at Bath.
George F. Patten, Captain
George Rogers, Lieutenant
James M. Perry, Ensign
Charles Hunter, Sergeant,
Ezekiel M. Brown, Sergeant
David Thompson, Sergeant
Hugh Rogers, Sergeant
Henry Sampson, Musician
Jehiel Abell
Josiah Berry
Jeremiah Brown
Francis Card
John Chase, Jr.
Jacob Cummins
Henry Fog or Foy
Joseph Foster, 3d
Philip H. Foster
Joshua Fox
Daniel Graves
Eben Graves
Jacob Graves
Levi Graves
Moses Graves
Samuel Graves
Saul Gwin
Gilbert Heal
Abraham Howland
Benjamin Howland
George Howland
John Howland
Adams Hunter
Alexander Hunter
Arthur Hunter, Jr.
Benjamin Hunter
David Hunter
Lithgo Hunter
Samuel Hunter
Thomas Hunter, 3d
William Hunter
Collanmore Mallet
William Mallet, Jr.
Joseph Mustard
Benjamin Nichols
John Owen
Adams Patten
James B. Patten
Matthew Patten
William Patten
Robert Perry
Jesse Potter
William Randall, Jr.
Jacob Rideout
John Rogers, Jr.
William Rogers
James Sampson, Jr.
John Sandford, Jr.
Francis Small
Joseph Smith
Jesse Stockman
John Taylor
Abner Wade
Luther Wade
Robert Winshell
David Work
Abner Combs[p. 232]Capt. H. Purrinton's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, 1814. Raised at Bowdoin. Service at Bath.
Humphrey Purrinton, Captain
Abel Thompson, Ensign
John Snow, Sergeant
Benjamin Townsend, Sergeant
Actor Willson, Sergeant
Joshua Coombs, Sergeant
Adam Adams
James Adams
Elisha Alexander
Caleb Barker
Henry Barnes
Robert Barnes
Zacheus Beel
Samuel Brannigum
Oliver Conant
Zebulon Coombs
Henry Cornish
Thomas Dugen
Asa Emerson
William Ewin
Benjamin Foster
John Getchell
Winslow Getchell
John Gowell
William Gowell
Samuel Grover
John Hall, 2d
Lemuel Hall
James Hanscomb
Amos Hodgman
John Hogan
William Hogan
John Hopkins
Aaron Jaques
Johnson Jaques
Thomas Maxwell
Asahel Polley
Benjamin Potter
James Potter
Jesse Potter
John Potter, 2d
Joseph Potter
Charles Purrinton
John H. Rideout
Johnson Rideout
John Rolins
John Small
Mark Small
Stephen Small
Tailor Small
William Smart, 2d
Isaac Snow
Jonathan Snow
Charles Stover
Abijah Thompson
Jesse Townsend
Terize Townsend
Josiah Ward
Andrew Willson
James Willson
Joseph WireCapt. H. Snow's Company1, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, and Sept. 10 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Bowdoin. Service at Bath.
Henry Snow, Captain
Humphrey Purrington, Lieutenant
Abel Thompson, Ensign
John Snow, Sergeant
Benjamin Townsend, Sergeant
Actor Wilson, Sergeant
Perez Townsend, Sergeant
John Hopkins, Corporal
Abijah Thompson, Corporal
James Potter, Corporal
Samuel Brinngion, Corporal
William Rideout, Musician
Asa Emerson, Musician
Adam Adams
James Adams
Elisha Alexander
Caleb Barker
Henry Barns
Zacheus Beals
Zebulon Combs
Oliver Conant
Humphrey Cornish
Thomas Duggin
William Ewen
Benjamin Foster
John Getchell
Winslow Getchell
John Gowel
William Gowel
Samuel Grover
John Hall, 2d
James Hanscomb
Charles Hogan
John Hogan
William Hogan
Aaron Jaquis
Johnson Jaquis
John Mallet
Thomas Maxwell
Asahel Polly
William Polly
Benjamin Potter
John Potter, 2d
Joseph Potter
John H. Rideout
Johnson Rideout
Thomas Ring
John Rollins
John Small, 2d
Stephen Small
Tailor Small
William Smart
Isaac Snow
Jonathan Snow
Charles Stover
Jesse Townsend
Joshua Ward
Andrew Willson
James Willson
Joseph WireCapt. J. White's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, and Sept. 10 to Sept, 28, 1814. Raised at Bowdoinham. Service at Bath.
John White, Captain
Charles Jennings, Lieutenant
Josiah Sandford, Ensign
Enoch Libby, Sergeant
William Willson, Sergeant
Joseph Totman, Sergeant
Benjamin Randall, Sergeant
George Jackson, Corporal
William White, Corporal
John Starbird, Corporal
Dunmer Mitchell, Jr., Corporal
Daniel Plummer, Musician
Samuel Harlow, Musician
John Aderton
Frederic Bates
James Bates
Daniel Bragdon
Matthew Brown
Samuel Buker
William Collier1This is the way the companies appear in the records, but there is doubt as to the correctness of the dates.[p. 233]Obediah Curtis
John Dingley
Charles Dinsmore
Ebenezer D. Hershel
Joseph Jack
Joseph Lancaster, Jr.
Edward Meder
Charles Mitchell
Zebulon Newel
Samuel Pain
Amon Plummer
Isaac Plummer
Benjamin Raymond
Daniel Ridley
William Ridley
David Rollins
James Sandford
Sylvester Searles
Thomas Shaw
John Stimson
Abiel Stinson
John Tibbets
Joseph Toothaker
Ralph Varman
Benjamin Waterhouse
Elias Waterhouse
James Waterhouse
Zenus Waterhouse
Saul Watson
Loring Webber
Samuel Webber
Stephen Webber
Stephen Webber, Jr.
Samuel WilliamsCapt. P. Whitney's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, and Sept. 10 to Sept. 28. 1814. Raised at Lisbon. Service at Bath.
Peter Whitney, Captain
David Green, Lieutenant
William Blake, Ensign
Gideon Curtis, Sergeant
Benjamin Southerland, Sergeant
Benjamin Whitney, Sergeant
John Godfrey, Sergeant
John A. Thompson, Corporal
Job Bleathen, Corporal
Zebulon Blake, Corporal
William Beal
Increase Blethen
Reuben Blethen
Joseph Coombs
William Coombs
Ebenezer Dain
William Doin, Jr.
James Green
Phineas Kimbal
Thomas Lambert
William Neal
Benjamin Peterson
Daniel Pierce
Joseph Sawyer
Isaac Smith
Nathan Smith
Alexander Southerland, Jr.
Cornelius Stackpole
Samuel Stanwood
Edmund Warren
Joseph WebberCapt. A. Dwinal's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From Sept. 10 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Lisbon. Service at Bath.
Aaron Dwinal, Captain
Thomas Henderson, Lieutenant
Abel Curtis, Ensign
William Bucknam, Sergeant
Stephan Foss, Sergeant
Samuel Moody, Sergeant
William Woodard, Sergeant
Thomas Small, Corporal
John B. Dyer, Corporal
Thomas Owen, Corporal
Lemuel Woodard, Corporal
Dudley D. Young, Musician
Nathaniel Eames, Musician
Edward Woodbury, Musician
Ephraim Andrews
James Arras
Thomas L. Arras
Patrick Arzas
John Atwood
Saul Baker
Aaron Bickford
William Bickford
Jacob Blake
John Boothbay
Thomas Cowing
Jeremiah Crowley
John Cushing
Isaac Cushman
Lewis Cushman
Jonathan Davis
Solomon Denerson
Benjamin Donnell
Joshua Dunning
Simeon Dwinal
James Frasier
Lee Gilbert
John Gould
Moses Gould
Israel Ham
Hiram Hanson
Levi Harmon
Samuel Heath
Moses Henderson
Samuel Henry, Jr.
Dyer Higgins
Edmund Hinkley
John Hinkley
Thomas Hinkley
Thomas W. Hinkley
William Hinkley
Isaac Hopkins
Aaron Jackson
Andrew Jordan
Caleb Kilgore
Samuel Littlefield
John Mayall
Tuel Metcalf
Nathan Moody
Eliakim Morefield
John Nowell
John Parker
John Sinclair
Nathaniel Sinkley or Hinkley
James Small
Archibald Smith
Charles Smith, Jr.
George Smith
James Smith
William Smith
Joseph Smullen
Edward Stafford
Hosea Staple
Mark Stinson
Phineas Thompson
Enoch Tibbets
Paul Tibbets
Ephraim Toothaker
John Vosmas
Jacob Whitmore
Nathan Whitney
William Wilson
Joseph Woodard
Isaac Staple
Samuel Wales[p. 234]Capt. D. Haynes' Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From Sept. 10 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Bowdoinham. Service at Bath.
David Haynes, Captain
Samuel Coombs, Lieutenant
William Brooker, Jr., Sergeant
Jeremiah Mallay, Sergeant
John Prebble, Sergeant
Enoch Elliot, Musician
James Woodworth, Musician
Benjamin Barnes
Cyrus Cobb
Saul Cobb
Barstow Curtis
Levi Curtis
Enoch Eaton
John Fisher, Jr.
Thomas Fisher
William Fisher
Johnson Graves
Thomas Graves
George Heddon
Henry John
Saul Jack
Samuel Jordan
Asa Keith
Calvin A. Littlefield
Gershom Orr
John Page
Joshua Paine
Nathaniel Purrington
William Purrington
James B. Reed
William Sampson
Robert Spear
Thomas Spear
Warren Stanforth
Robert Staples
Joseph Stewart
Philip Tarbox
Mark WelchCapt. S. True's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From Sept. 10 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Lisbon. Service at Bath.
Samuel True, Captain
Thomas Hewey, Lieutenant
Samuel Mallet, Ensign
J. Londborn, Sergeant
John Smith, Sergeant
Peter Garcebon, Sergeant
David Spofford, Sergeant
Elias Colby, Musician
John Hanscomb, Musician
Jacob Anderson
Nathaniel Bassford
David Brown
Nahum Chase
Abner Cherrne
James Colby, Jr.
John Crocket
William A. Dalton
Samuel Dearing
Samuel Dennat
William Eaton
Jams Farrow
John Farrow
Josiah Farrow
Nathan Farrow
Reuben Farrow
Isaac Firbush
John Firbush
Gardner Frost
Christopher Gilpatrick
Nathaniel Gilpatrick
Timothy Gilpatrick
Nathan Gould
Benjamin Grant
James Gray
Joshua Haley
Aaron Hamilton
Josiah Harlow
David Hewey
Joseph Hewey, Jr.
Samuel Hewey
Timothy Higgin
Jacob Jack
Samuel Jack
Belcher Jones
Isaac Jones
Benjamin Jordan
Dominicus Jordan
Robert Jordan
Valentine Jordan
Rufus Libby
John Marr
Richard Maxwell
Solomon Maxwell
William McFarland
Lot McKinney
Elias Moody
Jeremiah Niles
Robert H. Niles
Stephen Noble
John Orrs
Joseph Potter
Thomas Potter
Zebulon Prebble
Samuel Robinson
Greenlief Spofford
Moody Spofford
Jedediah Storer
Joseph Temple
Samuel Thompson
H. Weymouth
Nathan Weymouth
Nathaniel Weymouth
Thomas WeymouthCapt. J. Wilson's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From June 20 to June 22, 1814. Raised at Topsham. Service at Bath.
John Wilson, Jr., Captain
Nathaniel Sandford, Lieutenant
Hugh Patten, Sergeant
Daniel E. Tucker, Sergeant
Benjamin Thompson, Sergeant
Thomas Wilson, Sergeant
Nathaniel Bunker, Sergeant
John Dearborn, Musician
Charles Barron
David Coombs
John Coombs
John Coombs, 2d
Thomas Coombs
Prince Dinsmore
Elihu Dudley
John I. Dunlap
Stephen Fall
John Farrin
William Farrin
David Flagg
Daniel Gray
Peletiah Haley, Jr.
Jonathan Hewey, Jr.
Jeremiah Higgins
Samuel Hinckley
John Huley
John Jameson[p. 235]Moses Littlefield
John Lord
John Marrs, Jr.
Abner Melcher
Benjamin Metcalf
Abner Patten
William Patten, Jr.
Joshua Pennel
Enoch Perkins
Enoch Perkins, 2d
Levi Perkins
Mark Roberts
John Sergeant
Clark Tarr
William Tate
Alexander Thompson
Soul Thompson
Joshua Thurlow
Enoch Varney
Daniel Welsh
Joseph Whitten
Adam Wilson
Humphrey Wilson
James Wilson
John H. Wilson
Samuel Wilson
Samuel WoodCapt. J. Wilson's Company of Drafted Militia, in Service of United States, under Command of Lieut. Col. Abel Merrill.Rank and Name.
From Aug. 1 to Nov. 1, 1814. Stationed at Bath, Hunewell's Point and Georgetown.
John Wilson, Captain
Moses M. Marsh, Lieutenant
Samuel S. Cummings, Sergeant
Benjamin Owen, Sergeant
Joseph Jack, Sergeant
Benjamin Thompson, Sergeant
Hugh Rogers, Sergeant
Matthew Hinckley, Corporal
Dean Kimball, Corporal
John McManus, Jr., Corporal
Davis Hanniford, Corporal
Isaac Hopkins, Corporal
John Dearborn, Musician
Daniel Adams
Lewis Bassett
Ebenezer Beal
Matthew Brown
Asa Coombs, Jr.
Joseph Coombs
Thomas Coombs
Isaac Danforth
Isaac Dunlap
Martin Dunlap
Abel Eaton
John Foster
James Frasure
Samuel Gammon
John Gardner
John Getchell
Charles Gowell
James Haley
William Hall
Avory Hallet
William Hanniford
Otis Harwood
Edmund Hinckley
John Hinckley
Samuel W. Hinckley
Samuel B. Hodgkins
Samuel Huff
Benjamin Jordan
William Kilgore
Joseph Kilpatrick
William Lane
Thomas Maxwell
Major McDaniel
Nathan McIntosh
Ammi Mitchell
Nathaniel Morrison
James Oliver
John Oliver
Hazen Osgood
Sumner Pettingill
Edmund Pray
Henry Radcliff
Mark Ridley
David Rollins
Joseph Rollins
Bradbury Sanborn
Benjamin Smith
Jeremiah Smith
Ephraim Spinney
James Stanwood
Samuel Stinson
Gideon Toothaker
Archibald Weymouth
James WilsonLieut. R. Hunter's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From Sept. 10 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Topsham. Service at Bath.
Robert Hunter, Lieutenant
Nathaniel Potter, Ensign
Elisha Patterson Sergeant
Thomas Lewis, Sergeant
Ezekiel Raymond, Sergeant
Wanton Rideout, Sergeant
Leonard Eaton, Musician
John Allen
Moses Campbell
Oliver Conant
Waldron Crocker
James Dunham
William Haiden
Samuel Hathorn
Charles Hogen
Roby Lydstone
Warren McFellan
John Noyes
Robert Powers
Thomas Sampson
James Small
Isaac Snow
George Spears
William Stinson
James Thompson
Abiezer Whitney
Abraham Whitney
Jonathan Whitney[p. 236]Lieut. N. Sandford's Company, Lieut. Col. A. Merrill's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From Sept. 10 to Sept. 28, 1814. Raised at Bowdoin. Service at Bath.
Nathaniel Sandford, Lieutenant
Saul Veazie, Ensign
Thomas Wilson, Sergeant
Hugh Patton, Sergeant
Daniel Tucker, Sergeant
John Haley, 2d, Sergeant
William Akley
Charles Banan
Nathan Bunker
James Cole
Elijah Doughty
John Dunlap, 2d
Charles Eaton
Stephen Fall
Eben Ferrin, 2d
John Ferrin
William Ferrin
Constant Fuller
Solomon Gray
Peletiah Haley, 2d
Saul Hamblin
Jonathan Hewey
Jeremiah Higgins
Samuel Hinckley
John Jameson
Nahum Libby
John Lord
John Mans, 2d
Abner Melcher
Benjamin Metcalf
William Patten
Joshua Pennel
Levi Perkins
Mark Robert
Clark Tarr
Samuel Thompson, 2d
Enoch Varney
Elijah White, 2d
Joseph Whitten
Humphrey (?) Wilson
James Wilson
John H. Wilson
Saul Wood
William Work